Cigarettes release
toxic chemicals
when burnt

Are you a smoker
over 18 and
interested in a new
ZERO TOBACCO alternative
called NEAFS?

Experience the Satisfaction of Smoking With 95% Less Toxins

lt’s difficult to quit smoking & kick the old habit for good, but NEAFS provides an alternative that emulates the traditional smoking experience while providing a path to move away from tobacco and nicotine completely. Using a heated blade instead of traditional burning, NEAFS’ products allow you to continue with the hand-to-mouth smoking process, while gradually reducing your tobacco, and then nicotine intake. While tobacco & nicotine are addictive, the “hand to mouth” motion is on its own, psychologically powerful and makes cessations such as patches and gum largely ineffective when it comes to quitting smoking. People are accustomed to the “hand to mouth” sequence associated with smoking and find that motion alone difficult to stop. For many traditional smokers, cigarette smoking has become part of their daily routine & proves to be an extremely challenging habit to change quickly.

NEAFS heated tobacco-free sticks provide a similar smoking experience, while allowing for gradual change which eventually leads to a path to fully move away from tobacco, and then nicotine.

Experience the Joy of Smoking With 95% Less Toxins

lt’s difficult to quit smoking & kick the old habit for good, but NEAFS provides an alternative that emulates the traditional smoking experience while providing a path to move away from tobacco and nicotine completely. Using a heated blade instead of traditional burning, NEAFS’ products allow you to continue with the hand-to-mouth smoking process, while gradually reducing your tobacco, and then nicotine intake. While tobacco & nicotine are addictive, the “hand to mouth” motion is on its own, psychologically powerful and makes cessations such as patches and gum largely ineffective when it comes to quitting smoking. People are accustomed to the “hand to mouth” sequence associated with smoking and find that motion alone difficult to stop. For many traditional smokers, cigarette smoking has become part of their daily routine & proves to be an extremely challenging habit to change quickly.

NEAFS heated tobacco-free sticks provide a similar smoking experience, while allowing for gradual change which eventually leads to a path to fully move away from tobacco, and then nicotine.

NEAFS Sticks

NEAFS uses patented heating technology to create an authentic smoking experience, but don’t contain tobacco.

NEAFS Sticks contains a special blend of Tea Cellulose, gently steeped in nicotine and a range of flavours.

  • Original
  • Strawberry
  • Menthol
  • Coffee
  • Blueberry
  • Mojito

NEAFS Flavours

NEAFS have a very subtle flavour profile, similar to the experience of menthol combustible or tobacco heated cigarettes. Heated tobacco, or in our case heated tea cigarettes offer the consumer a light, mild flavour which compliments rather than dominates the experience.

Committed smokers of tobacco are not accustomed to strong flavours other than tobacco, so our products are all essentially ‘tobacco’ flavoured, with a subtle ‘hint’ of flavours which enhance, rather than dominate the taste and experience. 

NEAFS Flavours

NEAFS have a very subtle flavour profile,similar to the experience of menthol combustible or tobacco heated cigarettes. Heated tobacco, or in our case heated tea cigarettes offer the consumer a light, mild flavour which compliments rather than dominates the experience.

Committed smokers of tobacco are not accustomed to strong flavours other thantobacco, so our products are all essentially ‘tobacco’ flavoured, with a subtle ‘hint’ of flavours which enhance, rather than dominate the taste and experience. 

Safety Guarantee

Advantages of Tea
versus Tobacco?

Tobacco is uncontested in its excellence at delivering nicotine and a smoking experience when combusted. But tobacco leaf is meant to be burned, not heated, and does not respond as well as well to heating as it does burning. Tea leaves have been heated for thousands of years (in water mostly) and the positive benefits of consuming heated tea leaves is well documented. There are also hundreds, if not thousands of flavours of drinkable tea on the market. This is because the tea leaf is remarkably receptive to flavour infusion, and in heated tea products allows us to create very clean, specific and wide rangingflavours.

Comparison of Nicotine Replacement Treatment

TREATMENT How to use Features Comments
Nicotine Pouches
Used as needed

√ Nicotine delivery
× Hand-mouth activity
× Taste and Scent

Nicotine hit
lose of appetite

Nicotine Gum
Used as needed

√ Nicotine delivery
× Hand-mouth activity
× Taste and Scent

Fast nicotine release
Flexible dosing
Lots of chewing
Can't eat or drink during

E-liquid vape
Used as needed

√ Nicotine delivery
√ Hand-mouth activity
× Taste and Scent

Nicotine hit
Flavors optional
Taste too wet
Unlike tobacco

NEAFS Sticks
Used as needed

√ Nicotine delivery
√ Hand-mouth activity
√ Taste and Scent

Nicotine hit
Flavors optional
Similar taste
Less smoke

TREATMENT Features Comments
Nicotine Pouches

√ Nicotine delivery
× Hand-mouth activity
× Taste and smell

Nicotine hit
lose of appetite

Nicotine Gum

√ Nicotine delivery
× Hand-mouth activity
× Taste and smell

Fast nicotine release
Flexible dosing
Lots of chewing
Can't eat or drink during

E-liquid vape

√ Nicotine delivery
√ Hand-mouth activity
× Taste and smell

Nicotine hit
Flavors optional
Taste too wet
Unlike tobacco

NEAFS Sticks

√ Nicotine delivery
√ Hand-mouth activity
√ Taste and smell

Nicotine hit
Flavors optional
Similar taste
Less smoke

Why choose NEAFS?

What separates NEAFS from other heated cigarettes is our unique approach to heated tobacco. Namely, our products DO NOT contain tobacco. Instead, NEAFS heated sticks feature a sophisticated blend of premium cellulose, meticulously infused with nicotine and an array of flavors.


Compatible with many devices, the NEAFS Stick offers a fantastic alternative nicotine delivery system to conventional cigarettes and other heated tobacco alternatives, avoiding the release of toxins that are created when a cigarette is burnt.

Start your journey with NEAFS today!

Cigarette Quitters.

  • I have smoked since school and feel like I have tried everything to move away from smoking – including Nicorette patches, but I just can’t. I enjoy smoking, but the smell drives me insane. But it’s an addiction and it’s hard to stop.

  • Patches don’t work, as you need the motion too. I tried e-cigs, on and off, but l always went back to cigarettes.

  • I don’t really know what heated sticks are or how they work, but if it’s like smoking without the things l hate – the smell, the tar and the ash – that’s interesting.

  • I would try a heated stick to stop me from smoking a cigarette – my mum and grandma died of cancer, so l will try anything l can to stop. But I need the nicotine one!


  • I started smoking young, at school, with friends. My parents both smoked, as did their parents. I’ve tried everything to quit – tablets through NHS, patches, gum,old school tabs under tongues, e-cigarettes, but nothing worked.

  • l used to vape, but it was so messy.l had 12 vapes in drawers and for every cigarette I would have one on vape.The vape gives you a hit, but there’s something about having a real cigarette that does it more than the vape -it’s the smell, the drag, the hand motion. I liked the flavours though and there are a big range of these.

  • I’m back smoking cigarettes again now. l haven’t tried heated sticks before and NEAFS sound really interesting,i love the sound of mojito flavour.

HEETS Users.

  • I started smoking at 14, quit for a few years, started socially smoking, then quit again. I have been trying to get off cigarettes for many many years.

  • I discovered HEETS through a friend, I was desperate to stop smoking, t’s expensive and I know it’s not good for me

  • HEETS are not the same as smoking, but they take the craving away. It’s not as harsh, or as strong in the chest.And as there is less smoke it makes me feel they are not as harmful, so l feel less guilty.

  • It’s a good substitute and the closest experience to having a cigarette. There is real tobacco, I can see it, it still smells a bit, but doesn’t look as dirty. There’s nothing .really dislike about Heets, but NEAFS look more scientifically advanced, they’re cheaper and the device charges for longer, which is great. I don’t usually like flavours, does the tobacco one really taste like tobacco?I’d need to try it.

Benefit of
for family

Contribute to a
Smoke-free future

NEAFS uses heating technology to create a next-generation authentic smoking experience. Compared to classic and heated tobacco cigarettes, NEAFS sticks have:
  • No Tobacco
  • No Odour
  • No Ash
  • No Tar

Learn more and register your support for
#smokefree2030 here

Contribute to a
Smoke-free future

NEAFS uses heating technology to create a next-generation authentic smoking experience. Compared to classic and heated tobacco cigarettes, NEAFS sticks have:
  • No Tobacco
  • No Odour
  • No Ash
  • No Tar

Learn more and register your support for
#smokefree2030 here